PALO ALTO, CA – In November, millions of California voters will cast their ballots to determine the fate of over $40 billion in infrastructure-related bond measures. They’ll have to decide whether the bonds are a vital investment in the state’s future or a bad deal, but the vast majority will have only a cursory understanding of the condition of California’s infrastructure and the financing options available.
To help voters make informed choices, the non-partisan organization Next Ten is offering free, easy-to-understand background materials on the issues surrounding the state’s infrastructure needs. Next Ten’s “Focus on Infrastructure” program includes:
- “Investing in California,” a brochure that explains what infrastructure is and provides a basic overview of the state’s infrastructure financing options;
- An infrastructure quiz that offers interesting – and sometimes surprising – facts about California’s roads, school facilities, water needs and more;
- Extensive facts and detailed looks at how the decisions are made that affect investment in California, who makes those decisions, and how everyday Californians can become involved.
“Next Ten believes it is essential for Californians to make informed choices based on non-partisan information that doesn't advocate for or against any of the ballot propositions," said F. Noel Perry, Next Ten's founder. "We created a portfolio of educational materials to help Californians, who will vote on the fate of billions of dollars in infrastructure projects, understand the long-term effects - positive or negative - on California's future."
“Next Ten’s website and infrastructure brochures make it easy for Californians to have the knowledge base they need to cut through the political rhetoric,” said Jackie Jacobberger, President of the League of Women Voters of California. “It’s clear, it’s accessible, it’s balanced and, without question, extremely valuable for California voters.”
Next Ten says thousands of copies of the brochure and accompanying educational materials have already been ordered by libraries, schools, and community groups.
“We call ourselves Next Ten because we aren't here for the quick fix,” Perry said. “We have our sights set on joining with others to make California a better place over the next ten years, and the ten years after that.” Perry, a venture capitalist and philanthropist, describes Next Ten as an independent, nonpartisan organization whose mission is to educate, engage and empower Californians so that they can work together to improve our future economy and quality of life.
Next Ten is also the creator of the California Budget Challenge, an interactive online tool that enables Californians to create their own state budget and to see how their choices affect the state as a whole. More information on Next Ten, its infrastructure portfolio and Budget Challenge is available at