Next 10 in the News

Californians planning to vote by mail are beginning to read through their November ballots, assessing six statewide propositions, trying to find the truth after months of television bombardments by, usually, the groups opposed to them.

Central Valley Business Times

A new online tool allows Californians to take charge of the state's water future. The California Water Challenge by the non-partisan group Next 10 asks residents to make choices about the state's limited water supply.


How will California meet growing demands for water with a limited water supply? That is a central question posed in a new online tool that a nonprofit group created to encourage Californians to think about potential strategies for dealing with the state's big water woes.

The Desert Sun

Anyone wanting to take a crack at solving the state’s water supply woes can give it a try on the just-launched California Water Challenge website. The online simulation tool lets users pick from assorted water-saving and water-development options to meet California demands.

The Modesto Bee