Take the challenge — how would you balance California’s budget?

Publication Date
The Opinion Shop
San Francisco Chronicle Blog
Year Published
Sacramento is digging out of its deep budget hole bit by bit but what about the future of California going
Should the state raise taxes, cut spending further or employ a mix of taxes and spending cuts?
Do we need to invest more in education? Have we cut back spending on state services too far or too little?
Do we need to raise taxes to get the future we want for our state? Are we investing wisely in the activities
that will keep California’s innovation economy strong? Are closing deficits or making investments the
priority now?
A recent poll commissioned by Next 10 and conducted by the Field Research Corporation found 52 percent
of Californians would use a mix of spending cuts and tax increases to close the state’s $9 billion budget
What would you do? Next 10 has created an online budget game that lets you wrestle with the decisions
that we know will affect the future of the state. Click here to take the budget challenge.