Drawing on its traditional farming expertise and natural resources, San Joaquin Valley is fast becoming known for its renewable energy leadership and cutting-edge innovations at the nexus of water and agriculture—earning the nickname Blue Tech Valley.
Press Releases
Recent polls show voter support for some initiatives, but will voters turn out?
As the state faces severe drought conditions, Next 10 issues a new challenge to Californians: Can you create a plan to make sure there’s enough water for us all?
Next 10's California Budget Challenge lets users decide how the 2014-15 budget is spent, including programs for preschool, higher education, eliminating debt & expanding the rainy day fund
Regional data included - renewable energy, clean vehicles, energy efficiency levels reach new highs
Updated nonpartisan California Choices website guides voters this primary season
The newly updated Federal Budget Challenge lets users select policies to put the United States on a fiscally sustainable path
State, international leaders & voters sound off on CA’s priorities via the CA Budget Challenge
New study examines a decade of CA cleantech investment
Barriers and pathways to cutting carbon in the electricity sector more cost-effectively